I am sharing this in hopes someone will learn they are not alone - COVID-19 has conjured up some emotions that are uncomfortable and challenging to reconcile. They are the feelings many of us have experienced over and over, day after day - for me anger, resentment, sadness & fear. After repeated days of these same emotions showing up, I shared the cyclical nature of the emotions - the pattern with a dear friend. She listened and she didn't offer advice. I was thankful for her ear and her compassion. It created enough space in my brain for me to strategize my healing.
If you are a leader, you are also human and we are all challenged today. What are you doing for yourself? I'm here to be an ear and will be a strategic partner with you to deliver the best path forward, for you and for your team.
This poem surfaced in my life in 2013. I needed it then and I needed it recently. In times of deep challenge, I read it and prepare my "house" to welcome in my "guests".
The Guest House
This being human is a guest house.
Every morning a new arrival.
A joy, a depression, a meanness,
some momentary awareness comes
as an unexpected visitor.
Welcome and entertain them all!
Even if they are a crowd of sorrows,
who violently sweep your house
empty of its furniture,
still, treat each guest honorably.
He may be clearing you out
for some new delight.
The dark thought, the shame, the malice.
meet them at the door laughing and invite them in.
Be grateful for whatever comes.
because each has been sent
as a guide from beyond.
— Jellaludin Rumi,
Preparing my house to entertain these emotions meant truly giving them the attention they required. I let my friends know in advance that I was going to go deep. I didn't try to pull myself out of it. I welcomed them in and asked them their purpose and listened. I asked "what else? what else? what else?" until I had the clarity and they had shared with me the lessons to be learned.
Anger, resentment, fear and sadness all where here to serve me to take care of myself, to reconcile my beliefs and take stock in my values. They created stronger boundaries in some circumstances and they helped me established new boundaries. Many boundaries were with self. One I will share is I decided to create a boundary of only 45 minutes for news daily. 15 minutes local, 30 minutes national. This boundary was then reduced to 30 minutes. I've always been a news junkie and this work has made me appreciate the clarity and positivity I enjoy thanks to less news and more mindfulness.
My visitors, the ugly emotions, challenged me to the core and I continue to find the value in each of them. Thankfully, their presence has diminished in my day to day, though each is still visiting - albeit less frequently . The ugly emotions remind me I'm still alive, I am very human and in many cases, help me direct my choices in life moving forward. In moving forward, it is all about leveraging my strengths for greater success.
Leaders who listen with compassion make all the difference when it comes to Employee Engagement. Believe me, if someone shares their uglies and their solutions with you, you are a trusted leader. If they are hiding and not sharing their challenges with you, let's talk. Everyone I know is challenged today!
In these times of great uncertainty and many losses, we have ourselves always. And we can bank on self when we are self-aware, self-regulating and fully self-expressed. If you would like to feel more confident in your abilities to lead with your strengths and / or want your team to have the tools needed to increase their engagement and deliver greater successes, let's talk!
If you are in a leadership position and challenged by all of the variables life is presenting, Gallup has polled businesses and individuals to understand the current state and the needs of employees during this challenging time. I'd love to work with you and your team to ensure the path forward is filled with greater success for all.
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